Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Cheer

The gifts have been bought, the presents are wrapped, and now its time to sit and relax and enjoy some egg nog and cookies.  It's cold and windy outside, but warm and cozy inside. 

Earlier we visited some friends and family and ate some lunch and later snacked on shrimp and rice and sampled some whiskey and brandy. 

It was nice spending time with friends and family today and taking a moment out of our busy schedules to enjoy some laughter and fun with those we love and care for.  I even got to talk to my friends and family back in the states for a few moments and even though we're far apart, I carry them with me everyday in my heart.  

Gareth is lying on the couch in his red and black flannel shirt, jeans, and heavy winter socks and complaining because the cats are all snuggled on and around him from head to toe and he is really hot and has to pee. You can tell who runs the show in our house and its not Gareth or I. lol

Our baby girl just jumped onto my lap to snuggle.  So from our snuggled up house to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas.