Thursday, August 29, 2013

South African Vacation

Gareth is getting the urge again to go back to South Africa to do some work at the clinics and hospitals he helped get started a few years ago.  South Africa is also the place where we got married, so he has been thinking of combining a working vacation trip there in the near future.  

I'm sitting here on the ship tonight working and keeping track of the Del Potro match at the US Open.  My man Del Potro is making me nervous with the way the match is going right now, so I decided to look into some things to do on vacation in South Africa.  

I mentioned to my co-worker Mary who is here with me tonight that Gareth and I could book a Safari trip.  To which she replied I would probably get eaten or trampled by an elephant.  I then mentioned it would be nice to just hang out and relax at the beach.  To which she replied I would probably get eaten by a shark.  I then found they had food and wine tasting tours, to which she replied I would probably get food poisoning.  

At this point I asked why is it I die in every vacation plan I mention?  She said she can't help it tonight she has her period, bad cramps, her boyfriend pissed her off before she came to work and her mom called her complaining she never comes around and doesn't love her so right now she hates the world and that stabbing something would make her feel much better.

As I slid the scissors away from her and put them in the desk drawer, I slid a chocolate bar towards her thankful that I am a guy and will never have to deal with that or child birth.


  1. Del Potro won his match.

  2. Stephen we men are so lucky we don't have those mood swings...I feel for straight men who have to put up with that every month with their wife's....I would love to visit Sth Africa your husband is such a good man he wants to work there too...the world needs more of good men like him...

  3. Boyfriend, be very happy you're not a girl, cramps and bloating sucks. Not to mention what happens to our bodies during childbirth.

  4. At least females have an legit excuse for the mood swings :)! Steve, I hope if you guys go to S. Africa, that you are careful & don't come home sick again. What Gareth does is so admirable & that you love him enough to support that.

  5. Steve, I have a patient that has been on a couple of safaris & he has taken the most amazing photos. He has a couple where he is right up & personal with a lioness. If you guys go, I hope you will post a lot of pictures. Whatever you do, have fun but be safe!!

  6. Take away my coffee and I'll show ya some mood swings....

  7. Hey Steve,
    Have you ever heard Josh Turner's rendition of 'The Longer the Waiting'? It makes me think of you and Gareth and how you two spend a fair amount of time apart or traveling. It even ends with Highland Pipes (although not Uillean Pipes, LOL) for that wistful feeling. Listen to it sometime when you have a chance. Although I don't suspect you'll ever 'give up the ocean forever' nor will Gareth give up his passion. Just thought you might enjoy it if you're not familiar with it.
