Sunday, March 31, 2013

Over And Out

Twenty-Five year old pro soccer player Robbie Rogers came out last month and now in a recent interview he has opened up on his experience.
It turns out Rogers was "besieged with large offers of money for interviews and contracts, as well as moving emails from thousands of people who have thanked him or asked how they might uncover the truth about themselves," according to the story. Although he turned down the money, he says he has replied to some of those ordinary people. The biggest question, however, was why did he decide to quit the sport after coming out publicly. The way he explains it, he felt like he couldn't handle the spotlight and continue to be a good player.

"In football it's obviously impossible to come out – because no-one has done it. No one. It's crazy and sad. I thought: 'Why don't I step away and deal with this and my family and be happy?' Imagine going to training every day and being in that spotlight? It's been a bit of a circus anyway – but that would have been crazy. And you wouldn't have much control because clubs are pushing you in different directions."

I was just fearful. I was very fearful how my team-mates were going to react. Was it going to change them? Even though I'd still be the same person would it change the way they acted towards me – when we were in the dressing room or the bus?"

In the frank and open conversation, Rogers goes on to reiterate a truth that many people, in various fields, feel, the fact of being hemmed in by the label of their sexuality, stating: "If you're playing well it will be reported as: 'The gay footballer is playing well.' And if you have a bad game it'll be: 'Aw, that gay dude … he's struggling because he's gay.' Fuck it. I don't want to mess with that."

"Yes. I know things will change. There will be gay footballers. I just don't know when and how long it will take. The next step is how do you create an atmosphere where men and women feel it's OK to come out and continue to play? It's a great question. Football has so much history. It's a great sport with so much culture and tradition. But I'm positive there will be changes."

Opression In Russia

The Syktyvkar city administration, capital of the Russian republic of Komi announced that its banning a planned gay-pride parade.
In a statement released yesterday (25 March) the authorities explained that the ban on pride, which was planned for 31 March, was put in place in response to ‘requests from the city's religious and public organizations not to allow public events promoting homosexual values’.

It also stated that Syktyvkar’s Mayor Ivan Pozdeyev requested that city lawmakers prepare a draft law banning any similar events.
The authorities said the organizers are banned from holding pride in the city center, however, the march can be held in park away from it and the public.

Organizers, said they intend to go ahead with the pride event despite receiving death threats from religious and right wing hate groups.

On the same day, while speaking on local TV live, chair of the local LGBT group and organizer of pride, Artem Kalinin was beaten by Alex Kolegov, Syktyvkar’s neo-Nazi leader, in front of the journalists.

When Kalinin referred during the interview to Kolegov as a Nazi, the latter pushed him to the ground and severely beat him.
Journalists rushed to pull Kolegov off Kalinin, who was badly bruised.

‘This incident will not change my decision’ said Kalinin, ‘We are going to hold pride in spite of everything’.

Kalinin and the witnesses reported the attack as well as the death threats he received.

However, the police did not arrest the assailant.

Commenting on the news, Nikolai Alekseev, co founder of Moscow Pride and GayRussia, condemned the attack.  He also stated Russia continues to defy international organizations calls on it to respect human rights and freedom of the press and allow LGBT related events to take place.

He said: ‘This is another proof of full disregard of Russian authorities of the European Court verdict in the case of Moscow Prides by Russian authorities’.

Gay pride parades and LGBT related events are banned and/or outlawed in over nine cities and regions, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In January, the Russian State Duma approved a bill in its first reading that would outlaw ‘homosexual propaganda’ nationwide.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Turkish Wrestling

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Irish postings to bring you the most erotic sport in the world.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Remembering Knut

It's been two years since Knut passed.  We still love you little buddy.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lily and Madison - True Love And Friendship

Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Madison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. I just want to hug both of them

Men Kissing

Boys will be boys and sometimes they like a little kiss.