Walmart Bingo

This could come in handy for my friends back home when they're out Black Friday shopping. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Moment To Remember

From Remembrance Day last weekend for the great war to this weekends Remembrance Day activities at Gettysburg and on to the remembrance day for Pearl Harbor on December 7th, this holiday time of year is a time to remember those who served to keep us free.  Please take a moment to thank a veteran for their service and then take another moment to remember those who are no longer with us, but will never be forgotten. 

Watching The Fog In The Fog

We run into fog a lot when out on the water, but things became really weird around Halloween when we the ship was enclosed by fog and someone decided to put the movie "The Fog" from the 80's on the DVD.  Talk about eerie. lol