Friday, September 7, 2012

Missing You Tonight

I'm on board the ship tonight heading back out to sea.  Having a rough night though concentrating on any work related item as my mind is drifting off thinking of Gareth.  We didn't get to spend much time together this last visit home as he was constantly stuck at work or crashing into the bed for sleep when he got that chance, then grabbing a quick shower and bite to eat and back out he went. 

When he dropped me off yesterday we both got a bit teary eyed saying goodbye and I didn't want to let him go.  Ever since I watched him drive off he has been a constant on my mind.  Sitting out here on the deck of the ship under the stars in this lonely world with the still of the waves I'm missing him much. 


  1. Sweetie this makes me so sad. Just remember you do get to go back home to him. Maybe ya'll could arrange a little vacation time when you get back for some quality getting to know you again loving! Be safe

  2. I'm sure he is missing you as much as you miss him. Make some time for yourselves when you get back.

  3. You're luck you're out there on the ocean right now and don't have to watch all the Muslim animals burn and attack western property and people.
