Monday, September 3, 2012

End Days Of Summer

Summer is coming to a quick close and I feel like the summer has just flown by, the children are back at school, a chill is in the evening air, and the kittens are getting big.  But, before the summer comes to an official close, I've planned a trip to take a short vacation to the land of big, beefy Scottish boys like the ones above and to see my friend Hamish.  It's going to be great fun and I can't wait.  But for now, I'm just going to enjoy hanging out at home for a bit and enjoying the quiet life with Gareth and the cats. 


  1. Missed you! Hope you have a grand time on your trip. Thanks for the eye candy - yummy!

  2. OMG, I wanna go to Scotland too.

  3. Elaine, wishing you the best and hope all is well in your world.

  4. Heard you got back in town yesterday. Survived another voyage on the ocean. Find Sigmond the Sea Monster yet? lol I know you're in lazy mode right now, but give me a shout when you're rested and we'll get together for a drink.

  5. Hey Carl. I'll call you sometime late in the week. I have a major headache and not feeling well right now. Fell kind of shaky like I'm getting sick, hopefully rest will help me fight it. Plus, its good to be married to a doctor who can medicate me.
