Saturday, May 5, 2012

Boxer Brief Weekend

I spent the last few weeks at sea being cold and wet most of the time.  After awhile all I wanted to do was get home.  But home is currently is rainy Dublin.  Still, I am inside, Gareth is home, we both had a nice warm bath and the cat is resting on the couch.  Gareth is sitting on the floor with his back against the couch and I'm sitting in front of him between his legs typing.  We're watching a bunch of shows we taped to watch together.  

We both have a rare weekend off (until Gareth gets the emergency page that I know will come at some point in time).  We decided to take this weekend to devote to each other and reconnect.  

We're both only wearing boxer briefs, nothing else and when I lean back on his chest, the hairs that are growing back are like beard stubble and making my back itch.  So I am having him scratch my back and I can tell you its almost better than sex.  I know why cats and dogs love it so much.  I could almost fall asleep from the back scratch, except I am very ticklish and he keeps tickling my sides and making me jump. 

It's normal for me to lounge around in my boxer briefs, but for Gareth he is mister t-shirt and pajama bottoms.  But I told him I wanted him near naked all weekend so I could do unspeakable things to him.  But he won't do that, so getting him to only wear his boxer briefs is the closest I'll come to corrupting him this weekend.  He is too afraid of someone looking in the window.  

Still, its nice to be this close to him after being away.  Even though we've been together for 5 years now, you sometimes take things for granted.  So its still a real turn on when you stop to think that when the door is locked and we're all alone, with all the places and people in the world he could choose to be, he chooses to be here with me. 

With that note, I think he is bored of me typing and the show we're watching so I'm going to say goodnight to all of you and hello to my man.  Time for me to do some of those unspeakable things I kept warning him about.   


  1. You're a mess! hehe

  2. Welcome back.

  3. Always nice to be home. Especially when you have someone like Gareth to come home too. wish you guys the best.

  4. I'd take a peak in your window. lol

  5. Your Man Shane Filan once said of how he relaxes around the house....

    “Boxer shorts, or sometimes nothing, but usually boxer shorts…”

    This must be an Irish boy thing.
