Thursday, March 1, 2012

Simon Katich - Aussie Cricket

Gareth and a friend of his are always talking and watching Cricket.  I'm more of a contact sport type of person.  Which explains why I get annoyed when I see a soccer player flop all over the field when someone makes slight contact with them.  We had a few drinks with some friends at lunch today and the subject turned to sports and when Cricket was brought up I didn't know anything going on in that world.  So I figured I really need to start learning more about the game so I can partake in conversations and also go to matches with Gareth where I'm not asking dumb questions.  Plus, if there are more Cricket players as handsome as this guy and Luke Pomersbach from my July 2009 post, it could become interesting.


  1. they just need better uniforms. the pace can be show us some skin. lol.

  2. they just need better uniforms. the pace can somtimes be slow, so show us some skin. lol.
