Thursday, March 1, 2012

Almost Time To Say Goodbye

Another season at sea is about to begin.  It's going to be a busy time, but I'm ready to get back out to the open waters.  I'm thinking about stopping the blog or maybe changing the blog.  I'd like to do one that shows the side of my life from being out on the ship and the projects we do and the the things I experience but I'm afraid that would get really boring.  I'm not sure what I will do yet with the blog.  My personal life has become pretty routine and its hard to write about it right now so I give you some eye candy to look at as a thank you for stopping by. 

Ireland is close to obtaining a new immigration visa for work with the USA and Gareth has talked of us moving to the states and probably Maryland since I could easily get work on a ship and he can find work at a hospital.  But then he also still talks about going someplace he feels he can make a difference before he gets old.  I'm happy right here where we are, but I know he has the need to wonder off and do things so who knows what he has going on in his mind right now. 

Well, it's another night shift on the ship tonight getting things prepared.  I'm going to go eat some spaghetti and meatballs in the mess hall before I start my work. Go ahead, be thrilled.


  1. I hope you keep the blog going but undertand if you don't. I found your blog when I was lonely & just for giggles was looking for stuff about Ireland and then I found this blog that was interesting and had beautiful pictures to go with it (eye candy & beautiful scenery). Thank you for sharing. I'll miss you if you go.

  2. do whatever YOU need to do. i believe that a blog should first and foremost serve its blogmaster. i came across american irish by accident over a year ago. i rarely comment. but i enjoy it immensely and the reason i do is not so much WHAT you post but YOUR PERSEPCTIVE on things. you don't have to entertain us. it's not so much WHAT you say as the WAY you say it. i'd hate for you to stop blogging. i'd feel like i lost a friend. but do whatever you need to do for YOU. thank you for all the hours of enjoyment you have given me and the things you've made me think about. you have a true gift. i for one would love to hear about life on board your ship. i know it can probably be tedious at times. but you make even "tedious" interesting.

    with deepest appreciation,

  3. I've told the story of the sailor and the doctor to lots of people. Each time I did, it made me hopeful that gay people have a chance at being happy. Thank you for the wonderful stories.

  4. You better not stop blogging, I read every post and long for a new one when you're out to sea on one of your adventures.

  5. You don't know how much your blog has helped me get through things in my own life.

  6. Reading your blog has been a positive influence on me and helped me see that life can be as I imagined it.

  7. just an old manFriday, 02 March, 2012

    I read your blog everyday. I'm 62 years old so you probably don't care what I think, but I feel like I need to leave a comment to let you know that you bring back many fond memories I had once upon a time in my own life.

  8. You're life hasn't become boring, it's become happy. Embrace it, we'll read about it. Then when a bad moment happens, we'll read that and lend support when you need it.

  9. I love this blog.

  10. don't change the blog or stop it. Just incorporate your ship life into this one. We luv ya.

  11. Hello, my name is Mark. We met last year at the Christmas party at the pier. You probably don't remember me, but I remember you. You lit up the room and it seemed like the party only started when you arrived.

    You were everything I imagined you to be and more. Not only are you very handsome, but my impression of you was shaped by what a nice person you are.

    I feel like I really know you now and I will miss you if you stop blogging.

  12. Say it ain't so? I hope you would continue to blog in some form. I would still read your blog even if it was still about fish.

  13. You've gotten over 2 million views on your site. it's popular, I wouldn't stop it. Maybe change it up like you said.

  14. If you move back to the states I could come visit you and see my baby. We miss you.

  15. Don't stop blogging, but do enjoy the voyage. Would def love to see more of that side of you. Feel free to post it, I'll still read.

  16. I always look forward to reading your blog. I have followed you and Gareth for a few years now...Always love reading all the wonderful things you write...

  17. 2 million people chare your lifestorys with you - how can you say your life is boring? Please don't stop bloging - your storys give us hope for a better life in all cases.
    Breath very much fresh seaair, so your head will be clear:-) an you will say:" I can't disapoint so many people, guys and gays".
    Kisses and flowers from

  18. I want to travel to Ireland after I have been reading your blog. The posts about you and Gareth always cheer me up. Thank you for sharing.

  19. My comments mirror so many I have read here in the past. I too stumbled across your blog by chance, and it has been a joy. I think you are able to write so eloquently what a lot of us would like to be able to, but struggle to get down in writing in a decent fashion. As such, I have completely enjoyed reading your thoughts and anecdotes. My partner and I are fortunate in that we were able to legally marry in Canada six years ago. We have spent 16 amazing years together and wish the same for you. Continue to love life, as is so clearly evident from these pages. It has been a delight for us to be able to share this chapter with you!
    Love ya', tho' I don't even know ya'! ... RK

  20. Please keep going with the blog! You've inspired me (and I'm sure many others) to believe that there is someone out there for every body - it's just finding them.
