Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. I can't believe how fast this past year went by.  I guess that means I was really busy and looking back at everything I did, I can say it was a busy year.  Which explains why Gareth and I decided to sleep New Years Eve away.  Not only did we have a busy year, but my sister and my niece came to visit me for Christmas and have spent the week here.  Took them horse back riding and hiking and shopping and to all the best restaurants.  There was so much I wanted to show them, we didn't get it all done this time.  But hopefully they will visit again soon and we can get to more of the Irish sites.  

We also made visits to Gareth's family and our friends stopped by and we went to their houses and as much as the holidays are about spending time with family and friends, I am thankful for a quiet evening with Gareth.  But we're not quite alone.  My sister went out with some of my friends to the Guinness party to have a good evening and my niece is staying here with us to celebrate the New Year.  So while everyone else will be out partying with champagne and singing songs, we'll be home watching the telly and making home made ice cream and eating barbeque sandwiches and I couldn't be happier.  

My niece got a camera and a cell phone for Christmas.  She can't stop talking or taking pictures.  Plus, she is figuring out a way to take one of the horsies as she calls them back to America.  I half expect her to pull it off with all the planning and ideas she has been coming up with on how to do it.  I am going to get her official horse riding lessons in the spring and of course a girl must accessorize so she already is spending my money on riding boots and she must have another pair of boots for when she cleans the horsies.  Plus, she wants her own saddle and a cowgirl hat and new jeans and cowgirl shirts.  I could go on with all the things she states she needs.  I keep asking her if she is barbie because that is the only girl I know with more accessories than what she is planning to have.  I just hope when she grows up she finds a Ken with lots of money and who is anatomically correct!

On this New Years Eve, there are many people on my mind tonight and in my heart.  This night always makes me take a moment to remember the ones we've lost and those who are far away.  So whether you're out at a party with your friends ringing in the New Year or sitting at home with the one you love or even by yourself, know that I am thinking of you tonight.  Its time for me to join Gareth on the couch as my niece and my cat play with their toys.   To all my friends around the world, from my little corner of the world in Ireland, we wish you all a Happy New Year. 


  1. I hope that you & Gareth have a wonderful New Year! I miss your blogs!

  2. Happy New Year to you too.

  3. Happy New Year.

  4. Wishing you and Gareth a happy 2012.

  5. Almost new years for us, hope you got a good kiss at midnight.

  6. I'm hoping for more of your posts in 2012! Happy,healthy,prosperous New Year to you and Gareth!

  7. Sounds like a great Christmas and New Year. I send you, Gareth, and all/everything you hold dear, the very best in 2012. I follow your blog like it is a personal gift to me. Thank you.
