Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey, Sleep, and Manscaping

I made a twenty-four pound Turkey for Thanksgiving expecting to have a few people over for dinner.  Gareth was bringing a few of his doctor friends from the hospital.  With the turkey done and resting on the table, three of my friends sitting in the living room anxious to eat, and me looking out the window for them to arrive, I received a call from Gareth to tell me they would be late because of an emergency at the hospital. 

My friends were very understanding with the situation and it helped that I kept liquor in their glasses.  The only one that couldn't take it any longer was the cat who had sat by the stove all day while the turkey cooked.  He was now sitting next to the table letting out long, loud cries that would have scared anyone that heard them at night.  When I patted his head and said "My little beast can't wait for his feast" it led to a half hour of making Dr. Seuss type rhymes.  Before long Gareth walked in with one friend and apologized for being late and that they had to get back to the hospital and couldn't stay.  So we quickly put the food on the table, cut the turkey and had a quick ten minute meal together before they had to take their plates and leave again.  My friends decided to move their second plates of food to the living room to watch television.  After several days of planning and all day cooking, it was all over in ten minutes.  Now it was just me and my cat who had taken a seat at the end of the table and munched on a bowl of his own turkey.  The beast was having his feast.  

Later that evening when the dishes were done, the food put away, and the friends gone home I fell upon the couch exhausted.  A few bounces on the back of the couch let me know my cat had decided to join me for a nap.  Over the next couple days this was how the day would go.  My cat and I munching on the leftovers, Gareth making a brief appearance here and there, friends calling and stopping by for a moment.  But mostly it was spent getting caught up on all the sleep I hadn't been getting.  

With my body feeling refreshed from all the rest, I decided to work out this morning.  After the workout I noticed I need a shave.  As I was shaving I noticed I had a few hairs on my chest and I thought I should do some manscaping.  Now I don't have a hairy chest and the idea of me needing to man-scape my chest brought a smile to my face, but it brought a look of confusion on Gareth's face when he walked in to see me running the razor over my chest.  With a puzzled look he asked, "What are you doing?" With a smile and cocksure attitude I replied "I'm manscaping!"  With a quick laugh before leaving the bathroom he answered, "Unbelievable." 

So that was my weekend and I'm going to enjoy my last day of vacation before I have to go to the office tomorrow.  I decided to make some turkey sandwiches and take them to the hospital to have dinner with Gareth since he is working late again.  He wants to do some shopping tonight before coming home so maybe I'll talk him into stopping by the pharmacy to get some hair removal products in case my three chest hairs come back and then I'll sit back and count how many times he says "Unbelievable" before we get back home. lol

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jimmy Fallon - Sexiest Celebrity Alive

People Magazine may have picked Bradley Cooper as their Sexiest Man Alive this year, but clearly they got it wrong.  To me Jimmy Fallon is the winner of this title.  GQ has picked him for Showman of the year along with Justin Timberlake, so apparently others are being won over by his charms.  Jimmy is not only a handsome Irish American, but he is the nicest man in show business.  You could say he was the male version of Betty White.  

The world can have their muscled Bradley Cooper, with his light blue eyes, deep tanned muscles bulging on muscles, and his hairy chest...and...what was I saying?  Oh yeah, the world can have Bradley, but I'll take my Jimmy with his every day man's cuddly body.  Plus, nothing is sexier than a man who can make me laugh and Jimmy Fallon has done that many times over the years.  

As I've mentioned several times on this blog the first thing that attracts me to a person is their smile and no one in show business has a sexier smile than Jimmy.

Ireland Earns Euro Playoff Spot

Ireland qualified for the playoffs for next year's European Championship after capitalizing on Armenia goalkeeper Roman Berezovski's disputed sending-off to win 2-1 at home on Tuesday.

The victory wasn't enough for the Irish to top the group because Russia beat Andorra 6-0, maintaining its two-point lead.  However, Ireland coach Giovanni Trapattoni was delighted his side battled past a team he labeled the best in the group.  "Armenia has scored many, many more goals than us. In every position they have a strong team, their midfield is very quick and fast, also their striker is very dangerous. So I am happy," Trapattoni said.

Armenia was attempting to reach the finals of a major tournament for the first time but its hopes virtually disappeared when the Spanish referee sent Berezovski off.  "I personally thought it wasn't a handball from their point of view, but we'll take that and we'll take the sending-off," Cox said. "We're just a little bit unfortunate we got one as well."

In addition to the fact that Berezovski may not have touched the ball with his arm, Gonzalez should have whistled moments earlier because Cox had controlled the long through ball from Glenn Whelan with his outstretched right arm.
"It only just came over my shoulder and I tried to control it," Cox said. "Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't."
Ireland was on the wrong end of a referee's handball decision two years ago in a qualification playoff against France for the 2010 World Cup.  On that occasion, the official didn't see France striker Thiery Henry bring down a cross with his hand, before centering for William Gallas to score the crucial goal in extra time.

Ireland also finished with 10 men after Doyle was dismissed for elbowing his marker as he challenged for a high ball, but the damage had been done by then for Armenia.

However, Ireland survived without any further trouble and awaits its playoff opponent in Thursday's draw.

Ninth President of Ireland Sworn In

Michael D. Higgins, the 9th President of Ireland was sworn in last week. 

The Devotion Project

A 54 year love affair.

It's Officially Not Offical

Jean Vila, the mayor of the town of Cabestany, said he presided over the nuptials of 48-year-old Patrick and Guillaume, 37, as an act of protest.  France still doesn't recognize same-sex marriage even though a recent poll showed that 58% of the country was in favor.

"To outlaw homosexual marriage is to deny the reality of thousands of homosexual couples," he said after the ceremony in the city hall of the town about 40 kilometers from the Spanish border. "This decision to join these two people for me is an act of anger and revolt in the face of the authorities' refusal to legitimize such unions."

The unofficial marriage license reads "Unfortunately this document has no official character, since the law today forbids marriage between people of the same sex, but it signifies the wish of the local authority to see the law change."

As the illegal marriage of two men in 2004 was quickly annulled, Vila declined to enter Patrick and Guillaume's wedding in the official registry to avoid a similar fate. France recognizes same-sex couples with civil partnerships, but not marriage.