Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011


  1. And to you and Gareth. I hope this year is the best for you both. Continue to heal...and love one another. j

  2. Happy New Year AI.

  3. 2011 is here, I;m getting old.

  4. Have a good year, may things be better for you this year.

  5. Happy New Year from Canada.

    Glad to hear you are getting back on your feet. We wondered why you had gone silent, but somehow knew there had to be a serious reason. These infections can be really aggressive, so it is good news indeed that you are now seeing real signs of returning to your normal state. Just don't rush things.

    2011 starts with a clean slate. May that slate hold happiness, health and lots of loving in the year ahead.

  6. Happy New Year! I missed your updates, and I'm glad you're healing.

    Best wishes to you and Gareth. :)

  7. Happy New Year cutie! Hope it's been a great one so far.

  8. next week it will be one year since i broke my back in a rugby match. i discovered americanirish while recuperating and it has given me real joy.
    i'm fine but have been relegated to the rugger sidelines. it's been hard adjusting but have to count my blessings. u guys are one of those blessings. thanks for letting me share a small part of your journey.
    pax tibi fraters!

  9. next week it will be one year since i broke my back in a rugby match. i discovered americanirish while recuperating and it has given me real joy.
    i'm fine but have been relegated to the rugger sidelines. it's been hard adjusting but have to count my blessings. u guys are one of those blessings. thanks for letting me share a small part of your journey.
    pax tibi fraters!

  10. Thanks all. So far the New Year is going good, I can't believe we're half way through January.

    Wishing everyone else a good year.
