Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blue Bulls Training South Africa

I sent Gareth an email recently stating how cold I was that day and how I can't wait for spring time to get here. Gareth replied with an email that included these photos with comments of how the weather in South Africa was chilly in the evenings because it dipped to 75F/23C! Yep, that's how he rolls.


  1. lol, he sounds funny;)

  2. Good Lord! When I clicked on these South African ruggers, I mistook "Blue Bulls" for "Blue Balls!!" Something tells me that they have no worries about suffering from that! Though I may, aching for them!

    75F?23C!? We've been socked with about two feet or more of snow the past week!!

  3. Friends of mine from PA, sent me pictures of the snow in their back yard. Glad I didn't have to shovel that. lol
