Monday, February 1, 2010

Back Home, Back To Work

I'm home now, been home for two days. Thanks for all the kind thoughts you've sent me. I havn't felt like writing or talking about the last couple weeks. Trying to get back into a routine here at home. I don't know how Gareth does it when he goes away and see the things he sees and then comes back to what we western people call a normal everyday life. I always respected what he does, but never really understood it until now. He's supposed to be going back to South Africa today and I'm heading off to get back to my normal work routine again here in Ireland. I want to get back into my routine, but I don't want to take things for granted anymore and be more thankful for all I have.


  1. I think that you both are truly beautiful souls.


  2. Yes. Extraordinary times call for extra ordinary strength.

  3. No fear about taking life for granted, AmerIrish. Not after all you have been through. A normal work routine can be powerful medicine of its own kind--so have a good dose of it.

  4. nice post. thanks.

  5. Welcome back! So glad you are back safe and sound. Did Gareth make it back to South Africa safely?

  6. You're a good boy and Gareth too.
    Thank you for this new post. I'll continue to read you with much interest.

    Have a nice day...!

    Laurent ( a supporter from France )

  7. Welcome home! You and Gareth have done a good deed! There'll be a special place reserved for you in heaven. And as my Jewish friends would say, you're a Mensch!

  8. I was only searching for pictures of sexy men when I stumbled upon your blog but instead I found something priceless. Your insights, experiences and lessons that you learned are inspiring and heartwarming. Thanks for sharing. Hope to read (and learn) more from you. BTW, do you have another webpage(facebook, MySpace, etc.) that has pictures or videos of you and your loved one (I have trouble picking you out from those in your blog)? Again, thank you.

  9. Congrats for you and Gareth for the wedding. I don't think either of you will forget your anniversary date.

  10. Thank you for your gifts of insight. You are a good man to show such beauty, passion, awe, anxiety, and despair. Best wishes for long life and happiness to you and Gareth in your partnership - from Ian in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

  11. I've been reading your blog for a while now. I'm sorry that this is a bit late, but I wanted to comment here so you know what I'm referring to.

    First of all, congratulations on your wedding and your new husband. As I read your description of the scene, I smiled so big I thought my face was going to break. It was one of the most beautiful scenes I can imagine. I'm so happy for you.

    I know a tiny bit of how you feel about going back to a normal life in the western world. We live in paradise. We did nothing to deserve being born where we were. Pakistan, like South Africa, is full of horribly impoverished people. Every corner has at least 2 beggars and major intersections have up to 50. There are people living in sewage canals with goats, donkeys, and cows. I can't imagine the debt I owe the world having been born in the U.S. I also can't imagine what you've seen during your time in Haiti. I've never seen anyone die, and no one close to me ever has. It's impossible to know the feeling of having someone in your arms one day and, with the passing of the sun just one, finding out that they have died and are no longer with us. Don't forget it. Remember all of your blessings. I pray you'll be bestowed with many more.

    ~Chris, an American whose heart was snatched cruelly by the Emerald Isle.

  12. hi all

    I just thought it would be good to introduce myself to everyone!

    Can't wait to start some good conversations!


    Thanks again!

  13. Howdy

    It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
