Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Relief Aid

We've been in the "bush" as I call it for a few days and news of the earthquake in Haiti slowly made it way out to us. Now back in Johannesburg, Gareth and several of the doctors are working the phones to see if they can get a spot on any flights going in to Haiti. The images we're seeing on the television of the devastation is hard to grasp.

It's been a week of adventure here and I have lots to talk about, but its kind of crazy here right now and I'll write more later.

Irish Aid For Haiti:

Concern Worldwide, which has been working in Haiti since 1994, has launched an emergency appeal following the earthquake. Donations will be accepted on 1850-410510 or through

People can donate to Oxfam by calling 1850-304055 (NI 0800-0304055), by visiting, or at their local Oxfam Ireland shop.

GOAL has allocated €250,000 from its emergency fund as an immediate response and is accepting donations from the public. Call 01-2809779 or visit

UNICEF Ireland has launched an emergency appeal for the children of Haiti. Donations can be made on or by calling 01-8783000.

Médecins Sans Frontières can be contacted on 1800 905 509 and is also accepting donations on

Trócaire has also appealed for funds. To donate, visit or call 1850-408408 (NI: 0800-9121200).

The Irish Red Cross launched an emergency appeal also, donations are being accepted online at or by calling 1850-507070.

Haven is appealing for funds for its emergency earthquake relief. You can donate securely via or cheques can be sent to Haven, the Malthouse, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2.

World Vision Ireland has launched a Haiti Earthquake appeal and is accepting donations online at or by calling 1850-366283.

Christian Aid has launched an appeal and released €100,000 to help local partner organisations in Haiti. To donate please call [Dublin] 01-6110801 or [Belfast] 028-90381204 or at


  1. The devistation is unbelievable...thank God for people like yourself and Garreth who will go into the danger without fear and help....


  2. I don't know if it's true or not but a friend told me that apparently American Airlines will transport any doctor or nurse to Haiti free of charge.
    I really hope it's true.
    My thoughts are on them.

    ps. I hope you got to see the eclipse in Africa!

  3. This is a great article as they all are. I have been wondering about this looking for some measure now. Its great to get this info. You are fair and balanced.
