Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dave Salmoni

Gareth is due to come home this week from South Africa for Christmas and I really can't wait to see him. When we video chat he likes to print out a picture of some guy I posted on my blog and pretend to grill me about who he is and what I'm doing with him. lol
Recently Gareth told me a story of how they were out in the bush and about the things they had to deal with. One of them was how they had to wash themselves out of a pot. I found these pictures of Dave Salmoni, who is involved with African Lions preserves in South Africa. Last night when we were video chatting I pulled out these pictures and gave Gareth a taste of his own medicine which made him laugh so hard he fell out of his chair. He always ends the video chat with "I love ya boy." and I can't wait to hear him say it in my arms. Just a few more days to go.


Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww the end of this blog melted my heart....beautiful

have a wonderful time in each others arms;)<3

Anonymous said...

Too cute you both are.

WranglerMan said...

Have a great Christmas! You'll find joy with Gareth! What a wonderful present for you both! And all the blessings for the New Year to you guys!

Could you possibly give me Dave Salmoni as a Christmas present? I saw him on a talk show at Halloween. He was dressed only in a loincloth. I'd show him how to tame a wild beast!!

Ing said... guys are just so disgustingly adorable! :) I'm so happy for you and can't wait for you to finally get some Gareth loving?

American Irish said...

Ing, me too. Its been way too many days.

thanks Steve and Anon.

Wrangler, any photos of him in a loin cloth? lol You could always use a dart gun to tranquilize him like they do the animals. lol

freshie said...

hi, i have been following your blog and really enjoyed you stories, thanks for sharing. i've never left any comments, but i am happy to hear that you will have your loved ones close by this Christmas.

now about dave salmoni, i live in Canada and i never knew he existed! after reading your post, i did found a youtube video of him in the loincloth...enjoy!

Anonymous said...

stephen I wish you and Gareth Nollaig Shona...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everone!