Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chris Hollins Best Dancer

The BBC sports reporter one the seventh season of Strictly Come Dancing, defeating Ricky Whittle of Hollyoaks.


  1. I wasn't digging this season of America's DWTS. Was a bit disappointed. But I did love So You Think You Can Dance. Do you guys have a version of this over there? Who am I kidding we probably copied it from you all! :)

  2. This guy is so cute! I enjoyed watching him a few years back, when I was living in London. Can I have him for Christmas along with Dave Salmoni? Or am I being too greedy?

  3. Yeah they have that show over here Ing. Is that the show in the US where the one lady judge screams and laughs really loud? If that is the show with her on it, I pity you if you have to watch her. lol

    Wrangler, you trying to become the next Tiger Woods? lol

  4. Stephen I adored Ricky what a dancer as well...but hey the brits voted for a hobbit...instead of a stunning man...

  5. Yea that's Mary Murphy. She is annoying. I have to mute the TV when she goes on her little screaming jags! I feel for the other judges that sit right next to her.
