Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bothar Dunta - Road Closed

The rains have come and won't go away causing the worst flooding in the last twenty years in the Southern and Western counties of Ireland. The army has been dispatched to several counties to help with flood control, evacuations, and rescues. Buses, trains, and driving roads between Dublin and other parts of the country have been closed at times, some reopening slowly. We had a temporary break from the rain, but its back again along with strong winds.

It's a mess of a day outside and I've decided to stay indoors. I am actually babysitting two of my friends children today. One is four, one is six. One boy, one girl. They've been good fun, we've had lots of laughs playing and I got to be a kid again being silly with them. My cats are not used to children and their high pitched squeals and shrieks. They've taken to hiding behind the different bits of furniture watching with wide-eyes, what to them are little aliens, running around their house.

Since I'm going to spend the day at home, I've decided to dig out the Christmas decorations and put up the Christmas tree. I talked to Gareth last night and he said he's going to try to come home for Christmas.

Well, I better go, the children we're quietly watching a cartoon together, but now they are hitting each other. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


  1. It would probably be fun for you and the kids to put up Christmas decorations. I've never seen a mid-tempered cat. I wonder if they even exist. They either love strangers or hate them. Our old cat would run for cover if he sensed even the slightest change. Hopefully Gareth can be there for Christmas!

  2. good on you putting up the decorations it truly is miserable here in Dublin the decorations will at least brighten up your home....

  3. I think you would make a good dad. You should think more about that.

  4. Kittens like babies. Cats hate children. Even cats are smart enough to know once they start to walk, all hell breaks loose.

  5. Si !
    Forza Italia lol
    say... I just heard a car bomb went off near Belfast... man... as if losing to a lousy FIFA decision and the flooding were not enough !
    at least you'll have a fantastic Xmas for sure... cauz either Gareth is there or not, you know for sure he too really wants to be :)

  6. Put up the Christmas decorations...NOW??? It's not even Thanksgiving yet, man!!! I know, I're in Dublin, not the US...but still!

    Just don't put the Baby Jesus in the crib, yet. Remember, he doesn't arrive until the 24th!

  7. hope it dries up there soon! Wishing Gareth gets to be home for the holidays...

  8. LOL, wrangler. That's funny. I thought I would put it up while I had the kids here. I'm not against child labor. lol

  9. Just wanna say hi to you AI :)

  10. People actually let you watch their kids?? WTF! :)
