Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm Back, Go Ahead, Be Thrilled

Just got home, early morning, still dark. Threw my duffle bag by the front door, took my shoes off, dropped my clothes in the bedroom, took a nice warm shower, put a tshirt and shorts on, drank a glass of milk, fed the cats who I think are as happy to be back home as I am and now its time to get some sleep. To those just getting up, sucks to be you. lol To those just going to bed, have a good sleep and sweet dreams. Hamish if you ring my doorbell this morning, I will kick your ass. Love you.


  1. nó níorbh ea i mo chluas a chuir tú cogar ach i mo chroí. níorbh ea mo bheola a phóg tú, ach m'anam.

  2. Cibé áit a mbíonn tú, beidh tú i gcónaí i mo chroí

  3. I hope Hamish rings your bell with those FODs! If one of them looks like John Duddy, give him my number! Hell, give them both my number!!

  4. lol, wrangler, no doorbell ringing by the FODs this weekend. Picture Pee Wee Herman and a Goth woman having children. Still interested? lol

    I was able to get a lot of sleep. I decorated the place for Halloween this weekend and took a long walk this morning. Cooking a ham later today and having a few friends over for dinner and drinks.

  5. Jeez, No! I'll raise a pint with Pee Wee and the preggers Goth, but save my number for Duddy, or, better yet, one of the Irish ruggers!

    Enjoy the dinner and drinks with good friends!

  6. Thanks Wrangler, we're having a good time tonight. Wishing you a fun night yourself.

  7. OMG you're back! Life as I know it can now go on! LOL!

    So what you gonna dress up as for Halloween?
