Saturday, August 22, 2009

Howth Wedding Weekend

We're in Howth today for a wedding of a couple who are good friends to Gareth and me. We had the rehearsal last night and a little party afterwards. Things have been rough lately for us, but last night surrounded by our good friends we found laughter again.

Several times we found the other laughing with a friend over something silly and our eyes would meet and we would smile at each other, lost in our own world. One time Gareth winked and nodded his head towards the door. We both made our way out the side door and found ourselves standing quietly and staring at the view. Howth is one of the most beautiful, romantic places in Ireland and it was just what we needed.

There was a cool breeze blowing in off the ocean, but standing close together we let the heat of our bodies keep us warm. At first I stood behind him, my arms around his waist. But he's taller than me and I couldn't see the view without leaning to the side, which hurt my ribs. So we switched and I stood in front of him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He whispered he loves it when I laugh. I told him I love it when he laughs, which made us smile and we shared a kiss. We stood there just holding each other staring at the view and listening to the ocean until the side door opened and our friends came looking for us to come back in and join the celebration.

Today we're going to witness another couple confess their love for each and make a commitment for life. They'll be lucky enough to do this in public, surrounded by their friends and family. For Gareth and I, still denied this right, its the quiet moments like last night in which we reaffirm our commitment to each other.


  1. You know you don't have someone or belong to someone just because of a signed piece of paper. Obviously it'd be great to have a document proving the relation but just be patient... everything at its time.
    It's amazing the way you write things... you'd be a great story teller. You make us "see" it just the way it happened =)
    Just enjoy every moment with your man and loved ones as much as possible.
    Love is the key. Love was, is and will be always the key.
    All the best. Cheers,

  2. How romantic your writing is.

  3. Quiet moments, love those.

  4. The day I'll meet my mate, I'll know... and you know what I'll do ? Either a huge BBQ party where all my friends will be invited... perhaps even a legal contract (if a paper is really needed) between he and I... 2 rings... vows... in front of witnesses...
    Or just he and I, the sea, our knowledge of being with each other... and LOVE :)
    remember men... they say the first and foremost cause of divorce is... marriage !
    I've been to 12 hetero weddings... all divorced... in Québec, same sex can marry... legally (not religious)... I've been to 2 of them... divorced... in France, we have the Pacs... which is sort of civil wedding... don't know how this is going...
    the best between two people (whoever they are) is commitment... pure and simple commitment... and the respect of each other...
    that's what I think...
    American Irish, you and Gareth have what is the closest to "marital" perfection !
    well... that's how I see it :)

  5. In truth you already are a great storyteller. I was hooked on your blog the first time I came by. Thanks

  6. I see you are back to your teasing crotch! How was the wedding? And how is the ribs? And short stuff had to laugh at you not being able to see from behind Gareth! Very cute :)

  7. and I'm normal size, I can't help it he's a tall freak. lol

  8. That was really touching =)
