Wednesday, June 3, 2009

U.S Representatives send letter to President Obama requesting that he press Mubarak to free Kareem

As many of you know, I have been a supporter in the cause to free Kareen Amer (Abdel Kareem Nabil Soliman), a fellow blogger from Egypt who has been imprisoned for almost three years now, because of what he wrote on his blog about political repression, religious extremism, and discrimination against women in Egypt. Kareem often expressed ‘secular’ views and called for equality for women in all aspects of Egyptian society. He also denounced violent attacks on Christians in Alexandria.

Kareem is forbidden from going outside and getting sunlight; his books have been taken away; and he is regularly harassed by inmates and prison guards on the orders of the authorities.

Since President Obama is visiting Egypt this week, Kareems plight has been brought to his attention. I will be among the many waiting to see if Obama can speak for all of those who have been silenced for doing what we in the west take for granted everyday.

U.S Representatives send letter to President Obama requesting that he press Mubarak to free Kareem

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