Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Mothers Passing

Gareths mother has passed away. He has not said much, but he does seem to be handling things better than I thought he might. I'm trying to be there for him in any way he needs, but no words can comfort the loss of a mother. You may know this day is coming, but you are never prepared for that moment.


Josh said...

tell him my thoughts go out to him!

American Irish said...

thanks Josh, I'll tell him when he comes back, he went out for a walk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear, my thoughts are with you both.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Ing said...

Please let Gareth know he and his family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Wayne said...

My prayers are with you both and thank you for the Tracy Chapman song as well.

Love survives all.

American Irish said...

Ing, I'll tell him and thanks for the nice comments everyone.

Rob (trvlr64) said...

I lost my Mom 6 weeks ago. I lost the one person in this world who knew me even better than I know myself.

I won't have that 1 person I could talk to about anything and she was never judgemental. Sometimes I didn't always agree with her advice and we could push each others buttons like no one else in our family.

But that's only because we were the closest to each other and knew how much we loved each other.

Just be there for Gareth. The hardest time for me over these past 6 weeks is that I have no one to turn for the simplest thing....a hug and just to be held when I'm at my lowest point.

You don't have to say anything. Just hold him tight. He'll thank you for that.

Stephen said...

My deepest sympathy for him. May you both be strong through this time of great sorrow.

Unknown said...

Tell Gareth my thoughts are with him and his family in their time of grief.

budajsguy said...

My thoughts and prayers to you both.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with your Gareth...

My mother died last year.... !

If you like music I dare to suggest this beautiful work to you :

"Requiem" by Gustave Fauré and

particularly this title "Pie Jesus".

Laurent ( from France )

Sebbe said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I recently lossed my mother and it is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.

Wendy said...

Thoughts and prayers of healing for you both. I am so sorry for your loss.

Jake said...

So sorry to hear the news. I'll be thinking of Gareth and you during this difficult time.

Joey said...

Oh wow. Be very nice to him.

Joel said...

My thoughts go to you both aswell.
May she rest in peace and thanks for sharing it with us.
Stand by your man m8 'cause he is going to need you a lot (and I know you know).
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers for both of you from Boston, MA.

American Irish said...

Rob (trvlr), I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I just want to give you a big hug and a shoulder to rest on. You may be a little lost right now, but your not alone. Anytime you need a friend, send me an email. I may not be down the street from you, but I can listen and maybe put a smile on your face when you need it.

American Irish said...

Laurent, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I did find that song on the internet, and here is a link to it if anyone wants to listen. It is a nice song.


American Irish said...

and thanks everyone else for the nice comments you have written for him. His heart will be touched by them when he reads them.

American Irish said...

Sebbe, I'm also sorry to hear of you loss. So many of you I just want to give hugs too and my shoulder to lean on.

Frandor Marc said...

it's not easy to pass through that, it's a hard moment!
My Mom and Dad raised me in my grandpa's house, so I lived all my life with grandpa and grandma, and they already gone, and it was like lose a mom and a Dad to me, even though I still have my parents, I think I know how he feels!
Tell gareth to think about how does his mom would feel if she saw him sad! I'm sure, she never would want to see her son in sorrow!
She will live forever, in his memory, in his heart!
Tell him my thoughts are with him, to help him what he needs!
Just be patient with him, and stand together, and I know you both going to pass through this hard time.

WranglerMan said...

My condolences to Gareth on the death of his mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Gareths lost. May she rest in peace.

Unknown said...

I lost my Dad a year ago and it is very hard whether it is expected or not; and while it gets "easier" it is never easy. All my best to Gareth, you and all your family.

Unknown said...

I lost my Dad a year ago and while is gets "easier" it is never easy, never far from your heart, head or reality. My prayers go out to Gareth, you and your families.