Friday, June 19, 2009

Jimmy Fallon

I was always a big fan of Jimmy Fallon and now that he has his own talk-show I watch it all the time online. I'll download the shows and watch them at sea when I'm on overnight watch to help pass the time and keep me awake.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a nice smile. I think he has one of the best smiles and it always brings a smile to my face. Some people say he is just a silly idiot, but I like silly. When my closest friends and I get together, that is all we do is laugh.

I've actually gotten several people hooked on his show and several have commented that our personalities are very similar in that we do stupid things and laugh at stupid things. If there was one celebrity I could hang out with, it would be Jimmy Fallon because it would be a time filled with lots of laughs and silliness. With all the problems in today's world, I think we could all use a little more laughter.


  1. I think he's funny and better than Conan was.

  2. He needs better writers for his show, but overall I like him.

  3. His show is very popular right now, I just read his ratings are higher than other talk shows for that time. Seems like he'll be around for awhile.

  4. He's handsome too.

  5. Craig Ferguson is funnier than all of them. If you're unfamiliar who he is, try downloading his show. He's a riot!

  6. I've watched Craigs show before when I was in the USA, it wasn't bad. I havn't seen anything recent though. I'll see if I can get it online.

    Fallon just makes me laugh. Even when he does something lame I laugh and think what the hell was that, but I'm usually still smiling!

    I heard Craig challenged Jimmy to naked wrestling. I would definately watch that. lol

  7. He is adorable. Loved him on SNL! He was never good at keeping a straight face during his sketches. He is trying to organize a "Save by the Bell" reunion which I hope he succeeds since I loved that show. Did you see when Mark Gosseler came to the show as Zach Morris? That was funny!

  8. You have me hooked at that show now! You do have the same silly personality he has. You always make me laugh and that I what I miss the most about you!

  9. Ing, saw that episode. I only watched SBTB a few times, but I think it will be fun too see them all together. Reunions are always nice.

  10. He's Irish too, which makes him attractive.
