Monday, May 25, 2009

Get Off My Nuts


  1. Saw a dead squirrel the other day and thought of you. Not that you remind me of a dead squirrel or anything! :)

  2. Nice. Most people say I heard a song or something nice that reminds them of someone. But for you it takes road kill to think of me. I need a hug. Is because of that one gift I sent you for your birthday? lol

  3. Well other things make me think of you farm animals and such! :) You should be happy I think of you at all! LOL!

  4. Lets go over this again...

    Nice song on radio, nothing.
    Someone wih an Irish accent, nohting.
    A good looking man, nothing.

    Smashed squirrel on the road...oh that reminds me of Steve. I see how it is! lol

  5. How about this..YOU ARE ON MY MIND 24/7! Everything reminds me of you! :)
