Thursday, April 9, 2009

Playing Flag Football

Got together with some other Americans and played a game of American Flag Football. It was lots of fun, I love that game. Football and Hockey are my two favorite sports.


David said...


Anonymous said...

Such a little guy. lol

Jen said...

You're so butch. hehe

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are short compared to the other guys.

American Irish said...


Joey said...

Is everybody seeing something I'm not? You don't look short to me (not that there's anything wrong with shorter guys). Anyway, I thought karate and boxing were your favorite sports.

Anonymous said...

I say you got a right eyeful in the shower afterwards. Don't lie now. ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: you are short compared to the other guys.

Well you know what they say: the smaller the jockey, the bigger the whip.

J. said...

some say "if you don't have anything nice so say, don't say anything at all", lol
to hell with height itself 'cause means nothing. Just because everyone else is taller it doesn't make them better players, does it?

Anonymous said...

I could just eat you up!

American Irish said...

Joey, I was talking team sports.

Damo, I do like the view from my height! lol

Anonymous said...

Who said you were the short dude in front anyway? You could be one of the taller guys in the back.