Sunday, April 12, 2009

Never Alone


  1. I'like to have someone to share life with.
    Have a Happy Easter with Jared.

  2. so many things I could say about this... about Him... but I think I'm just going to redeem myself into my ignorance.
    anyway, wishing every1 a great holyday.

  3. Hope you had a good Easter. My boyfriend and I made baskets for each other, but, as we agreed beforehand, only what candy we could get into two very very small baskets (lest we get fat)! God bless.

  4. Hi

    I just love your music... Every single day I have your blog open, and listen...

    Thanx for that...;)

    (If you have facebook - I'm Maciek Magdar...)


  5. Thanks Dave, hope you had a good one.

    Joey, we don't eat much candy either so I filled Gareths basket with bubble bath and body lotions. He gave me a basket of strawberries, wine, cheese, and bread. We had a picnic and then a nice long bath.

  6. Maciek, thanks for taking the time to write the nice comment. Glad you like the blog and the music.

    No facebook page yet, I barely have time to keep up with this blog.

  7. I have always loved this picture. Hope you had a great Easter.
