Sunday, April 19, 2009

For Our Friend

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Steve is still at sea and will return in a week. He asked me to check his blog for him while away an while we wait, let us have a pint or two.


  1. Indeed. (Did you guys ever see that gay commercial Guinness did, though it proved to be a bit too controversial and they had to scrap it? You can look it up on YouTube. It's pretty cool).

  2. Thanks. Cheers, then.

  3. His name is Steve? I thought he mentioned it somewhere that it was Mike?

  4. Hello guys

    Thank you for writing posts even when the usual writer is at sea...

    Have a nice weekend with your friend Steve...

    Laurent from France

  5. Cheers to you Joel, Joey I will have to look that video up.

    Borg, my name is steve. My friend back in the states is named Mike and my cousin in Australia is named Mike and they post and get talk about on here alot, so that may be why you got confused.

    Laurent, thanks and have a nice weekend too.
