Saturday, March 7, 2009

You Stood Up

We all have someone in our life that we loved at one point in our lives, but you drifted apart. The one that could have been, that you couldn't live without, the one you couldn't wait to see or hear and share some laughter with, the one that you will always remember. I was sitting here tonight thinking of someone just like that wondering what he was doing right now. Is he happy, sad, what is new in his life. Time and life move on, but there is a little bit of our past that we carry in our hearts everyday.


  1. At first I thought this was written about me, then you said "Him". Sigh. I see where I rate. Just cuz I have a vagina!

  2. LMAO...oops. I miss you two. If its any consulation, you were the last girl I dated and I'll always remember that.

  3. Nice song, not sure if the video fits it though.

  4. Oh great, last girl you dated. I'm the reason you turned gay. I wasn't going to drink tonight, but now I need a few.

    Question, was it all the shopping with did? hehe

  5. No, liked the shopping. It was just the vagina part of it all. Just kidding. I love ya.

  6. We all do this! Concentrate, though, on Gareth! He's the keeper. I hope to have someone like him in my life someday. He's your future. Look back in happiness, but look forward in hope!!

  7. hahahaha these comments are great.

  8. You and Jen are crazy! LOL!

  9. Oooh, intrigues from the old Palace. Flashbacks, please! :D

  10. You dated girls before? I always knew there was something different about you. haha

  11. David, I experimented in college, it was just that one night, I was

  12. Love this song. I do that sometimes, too. I'll always wonder about him. Then I come here and see what a great life you have now and think maybe I should make some major life change, too.
