Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lacoste Ad

I posted that I wear Lacoste cologne and someone sent me this ad. That I would share.


  1. That's a sexy commercial! I've never smelled that cologne, though. Now I'll have to check it out, out of curiosity, next time I'm in a department store.

  2. its a nice cologne, you may like it. I do get told I smell good which is better than the alternative. lol

  3. I actually like Patrick, from Ireland! Maybe it's sold more in the U.S. than actually in Ireland though. Cologne 41 by Abercrombie & Fitch is cool too. Good for summer. Spells like...guyish but light, like an ocean breeze or something.

  4. Thanks Joey, I'll have to look for that and try it. Sounds like something I would like. Anything ocean related I'm there. Although if it smells like the ocean and I work on the ocean, no one will know I have on cologne. lol

  5. You do smell good.

  6. Hamish : Does he? Too bad he can't do this blog in scratch-n-sniff. I'd zip back up to the top right now to smell Shane Filan.

  7. I smelled that cologne in the store yesterday when I was shopping. They have it at JC Penney, not sure if you heard of that store. I sprayed it and it smells really nice. Too expensive for my taste though.
