Monday, February 2, 2009


My girl cat, pictured above stealing some of Gareths ice cream sandwich, loves to hide in a tub we have under the kitchen sink. I've learned from experience that when you are washing the dishes and you turn on the garbage disposal, you need to stand back because it startles her and she comes running out the door and slams it into your knee or a more painful body part. The door has the handle on it that feels like a hammer hitting you when she slams it open. For myself I've learned to check and see if she is under the sink before hitting the switch. If she is there I leave it go until she is out of her spot.

Last night Gareth was doing the dishes from the great chicken, pineapple, and rice dinner I made. I was reading a book for work and suddenly realized that I better warn him about the cat and the switch. Just as I started to say the words, he hit the switch. Before I could do anything my cat came flying into the room and jumped up on the couch next to me as if she wanted me to save her life. She was followed by Gareth who was holding his crotch and fell into the chair moaning.

Since I already knew what happened, I did what any caring boyfriend would do in my situation, I hid behind my book and laughed. When I pulled the book back down, he was sitting in the chair giving me and the cat an angry stare. I went over to him, crawled onto his lap and talked him out of killing me and the cat.

Once that was accomplished, I went into the kitchen and told him I would finish the clean up. He came to the doorway of the kitchen chatting with me as he grabbed an ice cream sandwich and I wiped the counter and rinsed out the sponge. I was deep in conversation with him when I hit the switch to the garbage disposal without thinking and without realizing the cat had gone back to her spot under the sink. All I remember was a sharp pain and lots of pretty stars and everything went sort of black. I stumbled over to the couch and laid there face down in pain. As I did this I could hear the faint chuckle, no not a chuckle. It was the He He He of an evil man laughing contently over my shoulder.

As I rolled over, still in pain, I saw Gareth sitting in the chair with a wide grin on his face and my cat sitting next to him sharing the ice cream sandwich. As Gareth mumbled something about karma and how it can be a bitch, my other cat who was now sitting in front of the television looked at me and winked and seemed quite pleased with the entertainment.


  1. LMAO! What a cute kitty. You can see her tongue sticking out. So cute.

  2. You're too cute.

  3. that was a great story. My cats do the same thing.

  4. I'm not a cat person, but the visual of this in my head just made me lmao and smile!!

  5. wow lmao, great story.
    he bribed the cat.

  6. Crap fell off the couch reading this one! OMG too funny..hahaha!

    Did you guys put the ice cream sandwiches to good use? :) And your cat is a cutie!

  7. Ing, what did you have in mind for me to do with that ice cream sandwich? Nevermind you better not answer that. I would tell you that you have a cute pussy too, but that would take on a whole new meaning. lol

    Josh, yep, my cats can be bought for ice cream or cat nip.

  8. HAHAHA..pussy is a cutie alright! And if pet correctly she'll purr this angelic tune. :)

    As for the ice cream sandwich I figured you would you use it for an ice pack..nothing dirty see! Don't know where your dirty mind went to again! LOL!
