Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

If you're single, may cupid find your heart this year. If your heart is already taken, may your love for each other be renewed. Either way, you know I love you, so Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you both. I hope your love not only renews, but grows stronger. As the song says: 'And when there's silver in your hair, you won't have to ask if I still care, 'cause as time turns the page my love won't age at all'. Have a great week .

  2. I have to confess. I took cupid for my own selfish use.

  3. Hope you had an awesome VD with your man.

  4. I love that post Garden.

    Stephen, I hope you didn't get him all sticky. Well actually I hope you did, just clean him up good before you send him on his way. lol

    Lib, thanks. We had a nice time. Hope you did too.
