Saturday, February 21, 2009

Can't Wait For Summer


WranglerMan said...

Today's my birthday, man! That is one nice present. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I tell you something for nothing. If their is such a thing as reincarnation I wouldn't mind coming back as this guys jock strap. Mind you knowing my luck I'd problem be reincarnated as a bedpan in an old folks home. *sign*.

Q: What's the difference between a gay and a straight man?

A: Oh about six cans of beer.

American Irish said...

Happy Birthday Wrangler! Hope you had a good one.

Damo, by the time you die and come back in another life as his jock strap he will be 98 years old. Good luck being his jock at that time of his life. You probably would be his bed pan too since he would likely be peeing himself at that point in time. lol

Anonymous said...

Thats gross.

Ing said...

LOL..don't ruin his dreams like that. I like the Adam/Eve figures on his cro..I mean jock strap! :)