Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Trip And A Wedding

I found out last night that there are openings for administrative personnel for the aid trip to Africa. Gareth had a listing of all the job openings that need filled. When I read about that job I thought this is something I could qualify for. I said that to Gareth and he said I should apply to do it. I don't think he really thought I would give it any serious consideration, but I kept thinking about it all night long. I kept asking him questions and when he realized I was actually seriously thinking of checking into it, we had a long conversation. He was all for it and helped me fill out the forms I need to submit. I can't commit for as long as he can, but I could do it for a few weeks since I get five weeks vacation from my job.

Now that morning has come and I've had a night to think about it, I'm having a few second thoughts. I figure I have to apply now to meet the deadline, but I can always turn it down later if offered and I have changed my mind. There is a process to go through so I would have plenty of opportunities to back out if I wanted. I'll just need to give it a lot more thought than one night.

We're on our way to the USA later today for my friends wedding this Saturday. We're going to have to pick my tux up tomorrow, hopefully it fits since I'm the best man. I don't need the pants to split in the back when I have to stand in front of everyone. lol. Then there is the rehearsal dinner and meeting all my friends I havn't seen in almost a year. It's going to be a tiring, but fun weekend.


  1. I think the job is a great opportunity if you decide to go through with it, even if it's only for a few weeks. Don't think on it too much :P You'll both be together working for a good cause. :)

  2. Have fun at the wedding!!!!
    I think you should apply, it can't hurt.

  3. It would be an opportunity to spend some time with Gareth and see what he does first hand.

    Have a safe flight and enjoy your time in the states.

  4. Always pack safety pins on an occasion where you don't have a back up set of clothes....

  5. Gods, work in Africa. It must be great to have so many opportunities.

    Have a great time during wedding.

  6. Good luck with everything about the job and your tux, have fun in USA!
