Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Doctor Who

I'm not liking this choice, but Matt Smith was unveiled as the new Doctor by the BBC over the weekend. He becomes the 11th Time Lord since the programme first aired in 1963.

26-year-old Smith will replace David Tennant at the helm of the Tardis, and is due to appear on our screens in 'Doctor Who' in 2010.

Smith is the youngest ever Doctor and although relatively unknown, has appeared in Alan Bennett's play 'The History Boys' at the National Theatre in London, and alongside Christian Slater in 'Swimming with Sharks' in the West End.

AdvertisementHe said he was delighted to take on the role. He said: "I've got this wonderful journey in front of me. I've got six months to build this Time Lord and that's such an exciting prospect."


  1. I'm not too thrilled with the choice either. He is way to young and looks to much like the last Doctor. I will withhold judgement until I see his performance.

  2. WHAT?!?!


    I love David 10-inch!

  3. Oh no! I watch Dr. Who on BBC America. I can't imagine anyone else as Dr. Who. John

  4. He is not attractive at all. He looks like a punk rock singer. Don't think I'll be watching much of the new series.

  5. The other thing to keep in mind is that this is regeneration number 11. They only get 13 regenerations, so how much time does the dear Doctor have left? They blew through the past couple awful quickly.
