Sunday, January 25, 2009

Luck Of The Draw

On Saturday, my school practiced with another school and we had a ceremony to honor some students. Next week everyone in my school is being matched against a fighter from that other school. During the practice I noticed one of their students was really fast with his hands and when he landed a punch he drove even the biggest guy backwards a few feet. He really impressed me and the others of my school and even though none of us spoke it, I could tell by the body language everyone had that they were hoping they would not be matched up against him next week. I happened to be getting a drink of water when the list was posted. I opened the bottle, took a sip of water and just as I was about to swallow, practically everyone in my class turned around and looked at me with a look of horror on their face. I knew in an instant who I was matched up against and it suddenly became very hard to swallow that sip of water.

After walking in a circle a few times, hitting myself against the side of my head and whispering "Oh my God" I found myself surrounded by my fellow students who were still talking to me as though I was about to die and they were offering condolences. Just then I saw Gareth walk in and stand with other family members who had arrived to pick someone up. I went to the lockeroom and grabbed my bag and without even wanting to shower I went to find Gareth. I thought he will be my rock and he will have something calming to say and make everything seem alright. So I walk up to him and before I could tell him who I was matched against, he tells me he already heard. As I turn to point out who my opponent will be, I notice he is now doing one fingered pushups. All I heard behind me from Gareth, my rock, my calming influence was the words, "You're so dead!" Resigned to my fate I replied "Yep, lets get out of here." As we stepped outside, the cold air felt refreshing after being in that hot gym and it let me know I was alive. At least for one more week.


  1. Now come on. Don't let this guy intimidate you! You have a week to psych yourself up and practice. Haven't you ever seen 'The Karate Kid'? Everyone has a weak point, you just need to figure out what his is. Good luck and let us know how the match turnd out.

  2. Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll survive. I lfao at Gareth's "You're so dead" not in a bad laughing way but a "that was so cute and bluntly honest way".

  3. LOL, wax on, wax off. I'm so dead!

  4. I am sorry, as I truly do not understand why guys need to 'prove' themselves by fighting one another. Don't tell me it is a guy thing. I grew up in a military family that has had a member(s) in every conflict the US has been in, including the Revolution. I know how to kill a man in less than a second, with a single blow from of my hand. Hell, I can even sword fight, but why guys wish to fight, just for the 'sport' eludes me. Good luck anyway. I enjoy your blog.

  5. Okay, Okay, so I'm not a very good Mr. Miyagi! One fingered push-ups are pretty hard to beat. Do you think Gareth will keep the blog up after you're gone?

  6. I guess this will be your first trip to the hospital for the new year, huh? Man that's too bad we were just getting to know each other. I'll miss you! :)

  7. Garden, I showed that comment to Gareth and he laughed out loud.

    Paq, marital arts is just that. It's an art. Occasionaly there is full contact, but it's more about testing oneself and so much more that I can't fit into this space than it is about proving something. Of course it could be that I'm an Idjiot as Gareth has been saying to me.

    Ing, I have the hospital on speed dial now. They're soon going to dedicate a wing to me. lol

  8. I can't help but find this very amusing. I can't stop laughing. You know I love ya, still I can't stop laughing.

  9. Pissed off teacher didn't you?

  10. Well, Am. Irish, I shall take your word that it is an art...but have you tried paint and canvas? I'll cut you some slack and wish you the best in your match. BTW, I am a doctor. Should I make myself available next week?
    Gregory (Palgrave)

  11. I love painting, but I don't think the world is ready for my style of art. My style went out with the caveman drawings. lol Also, my guy is a doctor, so I'm in good hands every night. But thanks for the offer. Who knows, it may take a whole team of doctors to put me back together next weekend. lol

    And Anon, I don't think I pissed him off. lol

    Mike, bite me.

  12. I'm like the most unphysical violence person ever. But there is something uniquely artistic about the martial arts. I think most can appreciate that. Now boxing that's a whole other story and you'd probably be crazy to get in a ring with an Irish boxer, but martial arts, are hmmm very sexual and carnal in a way i think. Its very Romanesque or Olympiad, well in a totally non western Asian style, isn't it? I think its equally about pushing your mind and exploring those boundaries as it is about pushing your body. Well that's my impression anyways not knowing a lot about it.

    btw - what do you think of Obama's first week (well half a week anyways)??

  13. Hey, on the bright side, life wont hand you more than you can handle. You must be one hell of a fighter...BEST in your class! To quote Waterboy..."YOU CAN DO IT!" lol. You're hilarious, dude.

    May the force be with you. After the fight, have Gareth post some pix of the fight so we can see what you did to the other guy. :D Cuz i know you wont be able to. LOL.

  14. Sebe, I have not heard much on the Obama first week, but what I have heard sounds like he is doing good so far.

    Apollo, I'm not that good and the pictures probably won't turn out good since they'll be a blurr as I run around the circle screaming like a girl. lol

  15. If the fighter's cute, then it's okay to be beaten up. Is he?

  16. LMAO. NOOO, say it aint so! You mean you're only eye candy for your martial arts school. But hey, even girls fight...i.e. Ing, (she's feisty) lol. I wanna see some scratches.

    Hmm...but then again, there's a reason (among many, i'm sure) why Gareth loves you so. LOL

  17. Man don't worry! You know your stuff. Go out there and give it your all! Knock him on his keester!

  18. Ing is fiesty! Apollo I will try to mantain my manhood. lol

    Thanks Wrangler.

  19. I'm more a lover then a fighter..LOL!

    Good luck this weekend silly boy. You'll be fine just fall to the ground and do the fetal pose! :) If your too hurt to write could you have Gareth give us an update so we know that you are at least alive.
