Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dublin At Midnight

I love overlooking the city at night and watching the lights glimmer in the distance. We had a wonderful New Years eve. We went to a couple parties and had fun with our friends and then spent the midnight hour alone at our rental. We welcomed the New Year in while sitting in the hot tub drinking champagne and sharing a kiss. Of course they say how you spend New Years eve is how you will spend the new year, so I guess I will be naked, wet, drunk, and kissing Gareth. Sounds like I have a great new year coming! lol


  1. Lucky you. Good luck to you both.

  2. If what you wrote is true, then my year is going to consist of a lot of sitting on my couch eating cheetos.

  3. Happy New Year Nuoto, looking good.

  4. Happy New Year! Sounds like you and Gareth had a wonderful time. Really hope what you say about how we spend the eve is how we'll spend the New Year..LOL! I would be worshiping the porcelain bowl and molesting old men! LOL! Ugh!

  5. Ing...any pictures of this floating around? lol And I need more details than this. Catch me in private for the gossip. lol

  6. Yes there are pics but I was able to bribe her to not ummm..share! I'll send you an e-mail.
