Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Day Of Sick

Yesterday I was able to get out of the hotel room for a few meetings. Right at the end I started to get really hot and sweaty and made it back to my hotel room just in time to puke. I then took a cold shower and after changing rooms, I went right to bed. No tv, no radio, no computer.

This morning I woke and felt like I was going to puke. I thought not again. But it passed after I got a shower and I'm now dressed and ready to start the day. I havn't ate in three days and I feel really weak. Plus, my body has moved into that everything hurts stage. I'm hoping this day goes better than the last few.

One nice thing is the staff here have been great. They know I've been sick and have shown great kindness to me. I even got moved to a different room with a better view last night. Not that I was awake to see much of it, but I'm hoping to see some good views later tonight when I finally get out and about.


  1. I love getting out of the sickness. Great weight loss. That and sadness.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  2. I'm sorry that you are feeling so bad. I hope that you get to feeling better before you leave so that you get to see some of Iceland.

  3. I don't like it when you're sick. Feel better soon.

  4. aww man!!!! Feel better dude and eat something!!!

  5. Hey boy, resist. I hope you'll feel better soon.

  6. I wish you could get over illness as soon as possible..take care

  7. That was nice of the staff! Hope you are better and was able to get some food in you. Poor baby!

  8. Thanks for the nice comments everyone. I feel better today. i hope everyone reading this is well themselves.
