Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nothing More I Need

We may not have had a marriage ceremony, but living together has sure made us start acting like a married couple. Last night, my first night actually moved in, we went to bed at 9:00 pm. We we're both knackered as Gareth says and fell right asleep the minute we hit the bed. We had spent all day yesterday bringing my stuff over and unpacking. Of course this had led us to try and incorporate my stuff with his stuff. This is not as easy as one might think. The bedroom, clothing part is done. That was the easy part. But the other rooms are now a complete mess.
We're redoing the kitchen and dining area. Gareth has spent the last two days painting while I've taken everything out of the kitchen and started organizing the cupboards and washing every utensil, glass, cooking pan, and dish. Now that we're living together, we plan on eating more meals at home together. So we decided to make this our first project since we'll be spending a lot of time here in the next year.
I had plans to make cookies today, have a nice meal tonight and then spend a romantic evening loving on my man. Instead, he paints and I clean and organize. Here it is almost 2 am and I just finished unpacking the last of my stuff. Its scattered all over the living room. My back and knee hurts and I'm about to fall asleep at this keyboard. I'm sitting against the wall in the living room, my laptop on my thighs next to the ice pack on my knee. The only light in the room is that soft glow of the Christmas tree lights. Gareth is wrapping up painting and is complaining of a stiff back and neck. It's looking like his back is the only stiff think going to be happening in this house tonight.
Gareth just turned the light out in the kitchen and stepped into the living room. He took his shirt off and and is wiping himself off with a wet cloth. He looks so hot and sexy right now! I love just looking at him. Which is a good thing because I'm too tired to do much more. Mmm, he just grabbed a pillow and a blanket and laid down beside me. He has his arm draped around my legs and when I told him I would be just a minute more online , he told me not to rush then he whispered I love you. While I was going to stay and post a couple more things I think I'll sign off and lay down next to him and steal some of that blanket. He may be sweaty, dirty, and smell like paint and there won't be hot passionate sex tonight, but this is my man! He works hard to make a living and is working hard to give us a nice place to live and he loves me and my cats. There is nothing more I need, except maybe part of that pillow and some of that blanket.

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  1. If you happen to run across another one like him, would you be good enough to send him my way, please? LOL

  2. Just sat down to make a post and noticed that you were still up at 2:00AM there (9:00PM here). Hope you get all settled in soon so you can relax for Christmas! Look at the bright side, Once everything is in place you'll only have to change it around two more times. lol

  3. It sounds lovely. Sex is grand, but love is grander.

  4. All the best. The hard part is yet to come, but you guys will be okay.

  5. AWW!!!! That is great!!! Glad you guys are doing well together!! Merry Christmas to ya both!!

  6. You should of messaged him. Cuz-like all stiffies need to be messaged, no matter where it is at, and it feels good too.

  7. oooh, he's hairy. I like that!

  8. He is one of the luckiest men on the planet to have someone like you and vice versa.

  9. How sweet you are! I love you and I'm happy for you. Good luck, boy.

  10. Thanks all for the comments. Sleeping on the floor is not good for the back when your already sore. We both need a hottub.

  11. becoming a homebody I see.

  12. This is a beautiful post, Butch. You two are so lucky to have found each other.

  13. It was all good until i got to the part about sleeping on the floor...i was like NOOOOO!!!! You're both gonna be stiffies! lol. I went to Asia and wanted to be real with the sleeping on the floor with them...boy o boy. lol--apollo

  14. I'm so happy for you two :) you guys will be fine. <3

  15. thanks Dave and Anon, sleeping on the floor when your body is already sore is a bad idea. lol

  16. I love reading your posts. When you talk about Gareth you can just feel how much you love him. I know when I met him he feels the same for you. I wish you the best.
