Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We had a late night the last few nights going to friends houses for end of year parties. Feeling kind of rough this morning and we have another late night coming later this evening as we ring out the old year. We're going to a couple parties early at some friends houses and then we're heading off to a place that Gareth rented for the evening. It has a hot tub on an enclosed balcony that overlooks the city of Dublin. I plan on being in that hot tub naked at midnight with a glass of champagne in one hand and my man in the other. lol Of course that's my plan. Will it work out, who knows. We'll probably be so tired that when we get to this place and its all quiet and just the two of us, we'll fall asleep watching the new year come in on the telly. Of course that will be ok too as long as we're together.

I just got back from grabbing a Cappuccino with my friend Padraic. I haven't had one of these in few months. It was very good. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year. Let me know what your New Year plans are for tonight, I'd love to hear. I'll sign on later, going to make some breakfast and be a couch potato for awhile.


  1. Hey guys, I'll be bringing the new year in quietly at home with the two dogs. I have some North Carolina scuppernong wine (an old southern favorite), hoppin' john and fresh oysters. If it's a clear night I'll go outside and take a picture of the moon and make a few calls to friends. I hope you have a great new year and I hope everyone brings 2009 in safely. See you all 'next year'!

  2. I hope you two have a wonderful time together tonight :D Happy New Year!

    As for me ill be going over to my aunts where we are having a small family gathering, with some yummy seafood and wine :). I cant wait hehe

    take care

  3. Your plans sound a lot sexier than mine!!!! I'll just be home with my family lol. Happy New Year!!!

  4. Looks like a Starbucks menu! Will be having dinner with the family and then heading to a party at a friends house for the rest of the night. Nothing too exciting! Still tired from my trip so hopefully I'll last until midnight.

    I hope you both have fun tonight. Stay safe!

  5. Happy New Year, Butch! Hope your 2009 is as fabulous as 2008 was for you!

    *New Years Kisses from Kansas*

  6. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Have fun tonight.

  7. I'm staying home with my son and drinking sparkling grape champagne and eating some shrimp. We'll probably fall asleep on the couch before the new year comes. hehe

  8. Happy New Year bud to you and yours. As you already know, I'm having a party at the farm. Kelly made a bunch of food and we'll be celebrating well into the morning.

  9. Interesting to hear all the different plans for the night. We're already past midnight here. I'm wrinkled from being in the hot tub too long. lol Having a great night, hope everyone else is too. Gareth is making us something to eat, we're both hungry. Happy New Year and all the best in 2009.

  10. Happy New Year! I was gone for a few days and you got a ton of postings. Awesome. My NYEve plans didn't go as well as yours. I flew to San Francisco to be with my Irish guy. We went to his friends' house to party, ran to the bridge to see fireworks at midnight, then back to the hotel. He remembered seeing at least 7 of me and the minute he hit the bed, he was knocked out. No response. I found out the next day, the brownie somebody brought had a "special" ingredient. hehe. Best wishes to you both with all your endeavors.:)
