Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Visions Of Sugar Plums Dance In His Head...

Earlier today Gareth and I went to the docks to my ship and I wrapped up a co-workers desk, phone, computer, chair, and his pens, pencils, tape, etc in Christmas wrapping paper. lol When he goes back to the ship on Friday to his office he will be in for a big surprise.

We also packed some sandwiches, cookies, and a jug of egg nogg and found my homeless friends who were still hanging out and gave them the food we brought along. I had found a bargain on some blankets when I was shopping. They had these nice wool blankets marked down cheap and I bought a couple and we gave them both a nice new blanket that will hopefully keep them a littler warmer tonight. At first they didn't really know what to say or how to act. They kept insisting they had to give us something in return and started rummaging through their bags looking for something to give us. When they finally understood we wanted nothing in return, the one guy reached out and shook my hand and had a few tears in his eyes. He replied again that he wished he had something he could give us. As I looked at him standing there with that new blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a smile on his face I told him he had already given us the best gift we could have received.

Then we spent the early evening at a friends house celebrating the Christmas Eve with some friends. The day has been long and we grew tired and my couch started calling our names. So we headed home where we're watching some "Will and Grace" Christmas episodes, drinking some egg nogg and munching some cookies and shrimp with some friends who are coming and going throughout the night. Hamish and my old flat mate and his girlfriend are coming over and we're going to midnight mass in an hour. I can't wait to come home after mass and have it be just Gareth and I. Put some Christmas music on the stereo, my cats who are now and probably will still be sleeping near the gifts under the tree. With just the light of the Christmas tree to light the room, I'm going to kiss Gareth under the mistletoe he hung and enjoy our first real Christmas together. Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night.

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  1. That story embodies the true meaning of Christmas. That was a very nice thing you did for your homeless friends.

    Your co-worker is going to kill you when he comes into work next.

    May you and Gareth have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  2. Nice looking man. Enjoy your alone time with your guy.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for the blogging you've done all year.

  4. Merry Christmas, guys. Enjoy your happy moments to the full.

  5. Merry Christmas :D *hugs*

  6. Merry Christmas to you both. I love you and miss seeing you around our tree back home.

  7. Merry Christmas to you all! Thanks for taking time to read my blog and leave comments. Hope everyone has a great Christmas day.

  8. What a really really nice thing to do! I'm really touched. Hope you had a great christmas, Amerish.

  9. Nice job on the food and blankets for your friends. It's nice to know there are still people out there that take the true spirit of Christmas seriously. I hope you and Gareth enjoyed your first Christmas living together.
    Is sleeping beauty 'Beefy'?

  10. Ooo tell us what you got Gareth!!!

  11. I got Gareth a couple cricket team jerseys, an Irish national team soccer jersey. I also bought him a nice pair of new boots for when he decides to run off to a third world country again. lol I also got him a gold watch and a gift certificate for two new fitted suits to a local tailor and a couple pair of silk boxers.

    He got me a couple of nice Irish handmade sweaters, an army style winter jacket. I collect knives and he got me a couple daggers, one was carried by an Irish soldier in WW1. He got me a new MP3 player, a gift certificate to a book store and two new book bags and a couple pair of flannel boxers.

    So his balls will be silky smooth and mine with be toasty warm. lol

  12. Did you put a bow on yourself too Christmas morning? LOL! Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. We're headed home tomorrow morning. Can't wait to sleep in my own bed again. :)

  13. No bow, all I wore was a smile! lol

  14. Enjoy sleeping in your own bed again. Of course I want details on whose bed you've been sleeping in? lol JK Hope you had a good time on you're visit.
