Thursday, December 4, 2008

Views From Reykjavik

I finally got around the town and saw some sights yesterday. I feel much better today and even kept food in my stomach yesterday and my fever is mostly gone. I tried some which is an Icelandic snack. Sort of like our yogurt, but sweeter and thicker. It tastes great and I think it helped settle my stomach. They sell Ben and Jerry ice cream here. It cost $9 US dollars for a small tub in their unimart store the 1-11. I'm not a Ben & Jerry's fan so for that price I didn't buy any. Now if it was Haggen-Daaz, I may have bought some!
I was kept up late last night by the couple in the room next to mine. They were having sex and they were loud. After a few minutes I thought, either he's doing it all wrong or he's very good. Then they woke me up in the middle of the night with their moaning and banging the headboard against the wall. I rolled over, pulled the pillow over my head and went back to sleep. Then this morning I was brushing my teeth and I heard them going at it again. All I thought was my God man, put that woman down and get some sleep. You're gonna throw your back out or something.
I'm on my way to the sauna this morning to see if I can sweat out the rest of my cold. Then I'll get a shower, get dressed for work and meet my co-worker for a nice breakfast before we have to go to work and more meetings. We're going to dinner tonight with some people from the hotel that we met and then we're going to a nightclub to check out the nightlife. Everyone here is saying the nightlife is great fun, so I'm anxious to get out and have some fun after being sick the last couple of days.
Wishing everyone else a good week and good health.


  1. Great pictures. I'm glad you are feeling better. Sounds like the couple next to you needs to take a break. Have fun tonight.

  2. cool!
    ..have fun as the couple next to you had..(i'm joaking!)


    Ps I have never hear about Ben & Jerry...i know that Haggen-Daaz ice creams are good..but Italians ice creams are the best!

  3. Good to hear you're feeling better. Get out and enjoy Iceland, you may never get back there again, so enjoy.

  4. It has that Alaska feel to it. Its nice, but seems lonely.

  5. Great pictures as always. I loved the bus photo as well
