Sunday, December 7, 2008


One of the readers of my blog asked me a question about housing the other day. They are thinking of moving to Ireland and asked if the only choices are living in the city or in a cottage in the country. The answer is no! lol

Ireland does have normal housing which has been influenced by America. Gareth lives in a nice suburb of Dublin and as you can see from the above photo, it could be any street USA. So if you're thinking of moving here you won't have to live in a country cottage if you don't want too. lol


  1. Looks too American. I don't like that the whole world will soon have houses and malls that all look alike.

  2. Very suburban. Nice colors on the doors.

  3. Looks like a nice place to live.

  4. I have to agree with the first anon. I loved living in Italy because it didn't look like the U.S. It had the European feel to it.

  5. i want to live in Ireland O_o
