Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Long Night

I had posted here about a fight that Gareth and I had that was caused by his brother. Gareth read it and didn't like that I put it out here so I have removed the post.


  1. Tell Gareth family will be family. They're here to annoy us, its what they do! Don't let family come between you two. I think you two have what it takes to make a happy ending in life. I am one that is rooting for you.

  2. I'm so glad you guys got through this!! Reading this really had me scared. If you guys can't pull through, I don't think any gay couple can. You guys truly give me hope for a better future.

  3. It's sad to hear you had a fight and his brother caused doubts in his mind. I hope you two continue to work out your relationship and I hope we get to see it continue and move past this little bump in the road. Good luck to you both.

  4. Honestly I can see how he could have misunderstood. Even before I had a chance to read your explanation I was like, "How could he say that?" But I tend to do that. Misunderstand. Make mountains out of mole hills. That sort of thing. It's because I tend to live in my own head.

    I really like what you said to his brother and how you said it. It sucks that we're made out to feel like we have to justify our relationships to the rest of the world in order to feel legitimate.

    Just remember that communication is what'll keep you two together. I wish you two the best.

  5. ..I like the way you writing...

    you seems so sweet...

    ..I hope that everything is going well...

    take care

    Ps..this evening i'll be in Edimburgh!!

  6. Nuoto, have fun in Edinburgh. Gareth and I are fine and back to normal now, but thanks for your thoughts and comments.

  7. I really enjoyed this post. I am glad you two are doing OK now. I found your Blog shortly before I went on vacation to Dublin last July with a couple buddies. We absolutely loved Ireland by the way. Just want to let you know you have a really great blog. I look forward to reading it. I'm in an 8 year relationship so I love to hear about your ups and downs because I can relate to so many of your posts.
    Again, your blog is really really well done and sincere and I also like the pics and music you choose. ;)
    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  8. Thanks for the nice comment. Gareth didn't like that I wrote about it on the internet and he agreed with my friend Stephan who told me to stop being a drama queen. lol

    We're only in year two of our relationship, so we have a lot of growing pains to go through. Congrats on being in an 8 yr relationship. I know you two have invested alot of work into your relationship.

  9. (If you got this post like 100 times I am sorry. the blogspot vs. wordpress thing didn’t quite work.)

    And right Gareth is (about the not-writing-on-the-internet part).

    By the way, I am also in an 8 year relationship and can’t relate… But I guess, whatever rocks your boot.

    I don’t know if you are referring to me in that last comment but actually the whole drama-queen-macho-combo is what frequently brings me back to your blog.
    I honestly enjoy the ambiguity and it often brightens my day.

    So, thanks for that and keep it up.
    Best regards, stefan

    ps.: you are still not obligated to approve.

  10. Hey,
    Read the original post and hope it didn't cause any more friction between the two of you. Everybody fights now and again and I'm happy yours had a good ending. Family can sometimes be a blessing and sometimes a curse, but they are always family. Keeping an open mind, sense of humor and the ability to forgive can be a person's greatest assets and you and Gareth appear to be blessed with all three.

  11. Garden, Gareth and I are good now. He just didn't like that I wrote what his brother said about gay relationships so I took it down. We had a nice dinner tonight and now we're putting up a Christmas tree. So we've moved on.

  12. Well crap what did I miss? Well whatever it was I'm glad you two ok now! More sex and less fighting is what I!
