Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Moment In My Life Passes

Do you ever notice how life just sneaks up on you when you least expect it? Time seems to move faster as an adult than it did as a child. You start to measure time, not in years but in significant moments in your life. It starts as a teenager with your first crush, then moves along with your first date, your first kiss, your first car, your first beer, your first job, your first love, your first heartache. Spaced in between these moments are the deaths, births, and weddings of family and friends. Moments measured not on a calendar, but in our hearts and minds. These are the moments of our lives. Moments that make us who we are. Moments carried only in our hearts and minds and very rarely shared with others.

This past week, time snuck up on me. I'm moving out of my flat and in with Gareth. My flat mate is going to stay where we are and his girlfriend is moving in with him. As much as I love Gareth and want to spend the rest of my life with him, it's hard to leave here. It seems like only yesterday my flat mate and I became friends and he moved in. He was living in the back of the restaurant he works in to escape a bad family situation. I visited the place frequently for take out meals and we often got lost in conversation while I waited for my food. I stopped in one time and noticed bruises on his face. By the end of that night he was going to be living with me. I'm a firm believer that people come in to our lives for a reason, to help us grow, to challenge us, to love us. That night I almost didn't stop in for my take out meal. I was going to stop eating there for awhile, maybe try a new place or start cooking more at home. If I had done that, I may never have noticed his bruises and never offered to have him move in and we never would have become the friends we are today.

Cut to today and I'm packing some of my stuff and will be moving in with Gareth next weekend. While I'm happy and nervous about that, I'm sad that I'm saying goodbye to this part of my life. We've had some great times in this flat and I'm going to miss those moments. I've been sitting here today having flashes of moments running through my head. While I'm going to miss the flat, I'll miss my friend even more. Of course we'll stay friends and visit often, but you know as time moves on so will we. We'll become occupied with our individual lives and before you know it we'll run into each other one day and wonder where the time went. We'll exchange numbers and promise to keep in touch, but we'll know its only talk.

Today, his girlfriend and Gareth are coming over and the four of us are going to make a spaghetti dinner, watch a movie, play some board games, drink some wine, and have plenty of laughs. When I look back on this part of my life, it will be moments like today that I'll remember.

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  1. This is an important moment in your life and I wish the best for you...

    I like your blog..and reading it is a good way to improve my english..
    for example I have never heard "sneaks up on you" before!!

  2. AI, you rock. You made a cynical bastard really smile and even believe in good people a little again.

  3. Congratulations on the good news for you and Gareth! What a Christmas gift! Your posting on moments in life was both elegant and bittersweet, just as life can be. Moving on to a new phase of your life is always a little unsettling, but you will always have your flat mate and the times you spent together in your heart. And sometimes people DO keep in touch! Congratulations again!

  4. That part about how you met your roommate was really sweet. It amazes me hearing how people meet. Especially for me who can't even bare to make eye contact.

  5. Hi, boy. I've missed you!
    Welcome back to your blog.

  6. Oh, boy, I'm so sorry for you; DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Life's so strange it can surprise us any moment, sometimes positively, even when it seems the end of something important. It asks us to be fluent, open to the new, ready to change and start again.
    A kiss and a hug.

  7. Nuoto, that is good you are learning some English slang. I know I have readers from different countries and I wonder sometimes if people from different languages and cultures will understand some phrases I use. Its good to know that some are learning from them.

  8. Thanks everyone for the nice comments.

    Mole I'm glad I made you smile. You know how much I love a smile, very sexy.

    Millena I was that way for a long time, I still am sometimes. I had to force myself to look up and when I did I discovered a whole new world. From time to time, look up and I hope you'll find someone with a smile looking back at you. Of course if you do and they cuss you out, forget I told you this. lol

    Garden you summed it up perfectly.

    Anon 1 thanks for the welcome back, and Anon 2, hugs and kiss to you too.

  9. I recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I have been in a panic having not read anything for such a long time. Congratulations on your new endeavor

  10. I'm glad you are finally taking this step. It's about time. haha
    Gareth is one lucky man.

  11. Thanks Stephen. That's sweet.

    David, I wanted to marry Gareth before I moved in with him. But Ireland is dragging its feet on legalizing gay marriage. So I've given up that dream and just want my man. Ring or no ring, its time we start our life together as one. It's a big step for him too. So we decided to do it for Christmas. Of course, he will probably grow tired of me being around all the time now and I'll be re-gifted next year. sigh! lol

  12. I'm sure if he does re-gift you there will be plenty who will be happy to take you. It's nice to hear you two are taking the next step. I wish you both the best.

  13. Don't think of this as the ending of something. Think of this as the beginning of the life you have been dreaming of. I've known you for years, you never wanted to be rich and famous. Just happy and loved. You have that, enjoy it.

  14. best of luck to you both and many wishes for a lifetime of happiness!

    now instead of a present for this Christmas - you just get a big Beau :)

  15. Awe you're moving in with him *happy feeling*!!!

    Well if he re-gifts you, tell the mail man to resent you right back to him.

  16. That was beautiful what you wrote and very much true. I wish you and Gareth all the happiness in the world. This is definitely a exciting new phase in your life. Big congrats and can't wait to read about your new adventures in domestic bliss. :)

  17. Hey AI, been readin your stories for awhile. My best wishes to you. I found your blog awhile back when i really really missed my irish guy (we're havin a long distance relationship). Your stories touch my heart every time. You're witty and funny. You have a beautiful soul!--apollo

  18. Thanks everyone for the really nice comments.

  19. Want to tell you..

    No matterd
