Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tough One

I had a long duration workout that my martial arts teacher put us through yesterday. During my workout I noticed that I was sweating more than I normally do. I always sweat a lot during my workouts, but I noticed my shirt and hair were soaking wet and the towel I was using to wipe off had actually become so soaked with sweat that it felt like it was dipped in water. Even though I noticed this, I didn't think much of it at the time.

Today I went to work out again and as I was working out, I just didn't really feel right. I was sparring with someone when I just sort of saw spots in my eyes and for a moment blacked out. I let my guard down a bit and got nailed right in the jaw with a kick that brought me to my knees. I sat out the rest of the workout and drank some OJ and took a long shower. I felt a little better by the time Gareth came to pick me up. But he noticed right away the cut on the side of my face and that I didn't look right. He checked me out when we got home. I was in the bathroom after looking at my face to see how bad it was cut and decided to weigh myself. I noticed I had lost 10 pounds this weekend. Gareth thinks I lost too much fluid, so he has me drinking these awful drinks right now to get electrolytes into my system and resting on the couch.

I have ADD, so sitting here on this couch for the last few hours is starting to get to me. Every time I try to get up to do something, he yells at me to get back on the couch and drink my drinks. I was just about to start arguing with him when he told me he was going to wash the dinner dishes and then he was going to come in and give me a foot rub. Upon hearing that I decided this couch is kind of comfy after all. I wonder if I can get my back scratched too?
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  1. Milking another situation I see? hehe

  2. Hey, I tried to fight it. But who am I to interfere with him doing the dishes and giving a foot rub if that's what he wants to do? It would be selfish of me to stop him from doing what he wants to do! lol Now excuse me, I have to get back to enjoying my foot rub! aaahhhh

  3. Hope your feeling better.

  4. I'd milk the situation too if I were in your place! Hope you are better.
