Sunday, November 23, 2008


Gareth and I decided to stay in and make it a night with just the two of us. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, and blueberry muffins for dinner. This is one of my favorite meals and the first time I made it for Gareth. He loved it and told me I need to make this more often. He's been calling me the Muffin Man all night now.

After dinner we listened to some music for awhile, watched some telly, then put the music back on. We sat on the floor in front of the couch next to each other and played some Mortal Kombat video game. He hasn't played video games like I have in my life, so I beat him pretty easy. Of course I had to do a friendly teasing of how I was the champion and I did a little victory dance. Gareth then suggested we play some poker. I haven't played cards in a few years and it took me a little while to get the hang of poker again. Once I felt comfortable with the game again I offered that we should play for some money to make it interesting. But the cards went against me and it wasn't long before he had all my money. Of course, when he won, he started bragging about how he is the champion and mocking the dance I did earlier. Some people don't know how to win with class! lol

Since we both won one contest each, I suggested we play something else to settle the tie. Everything I suggested he said "Nah". I told him we had to play a third round of something to determine the winner. He still had the deck of cards in his hands and was lost in thought staring at them as he shuffled them. In the candlelight I saw him get a smile on his face. He looked at me and laughed and put his head back down and continued to shuffle the cards. I asked him what he was laughing at and he just smiled again. I nudged his shoulder and told him to tell me what he was thinking. He looked at me and said I thought of something we can play. "Well what is it?" I asked. He said its called Snoodling.

I had never heard of this before. I thought it was a new card game or some Irish game. lol I, being naive, asked him to show me how to play the game. He got a huge smile on his face and gave a little chuckle. I told him to stop laughing and just show me how to play. I asked him if this was a card game and he laughed louder. At this point I started getting annoyed because I didn't know why he was laughing. He noticed my annoyance and composed his laughter. He asked me if I really wanted to learn how to play. I said yes. So he told me to stand up, which I did. He stood up too, put his hands on my shoulders and just stood there for a moment with a smirk across his face. Needless to say I found out tonight what Snoodling is! If you're naive like I was, Google it! In case your wondering, the third round ended in a draw!

Top Blogs


  1. Welcome home!! Glad you are back. Sounds like a great evening with Gareth. Snoodling sounds like fun. I can see why he had the smile on his face.

  2. I had to google it. Man, TMI! Ugh! XD

  3. lol, sometimes Google is not our friend.

    Thanks Dave, its good to be home.

  4. that's an interesting kind of draw....
    and Google is always your friend!!!
    it's Google image that'll get ya into trouble!

  5. So there was no weiner, I mean winner then?

  6. Rofl!! you two are so cute :), that was hilarious. <3

  7. Oh my! I just googled that! he he

  8. OMG..I fell off the couch LMAO when I googled it..hahahaha! What a visual and so much more then I ever wanted to know about both of your schlongs..hehe! :)

  9. Oh Lord, seriously now! Did I need to know this?

  10. lol, I knew Ing and Jen would have comments on this. I was laughing thinking of you two googling it. I wish I could have seen your faces! lol

  11. I had to look it up using google ... never heard of it before ... hope you had fun ... and "both" enjoyed it ... lol ...

  12. rofl sounds like or should i say looks like thanks to google that someone had a very fun and interesting nite
