Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Night Party

We're having a party tonight but I'm not drinking. I leave for Iceland tomorrow and don't need a hangover. Besides I don't need alcohol to have fun. I'll just make fun of everyone when they start slurring their words. lol

I hope everyone else has a good Saturday night and if you go out, remember be safe, don't drink and drive. Get home safe.

Top Blogs


  1. Have fun in Iceland. I want to hear all about that trip.

  2. Hope you have a safe and fun trip to Iceland!

  3. Bring us a good story about you days in Iceland (you are a good storyteller) be careful and enjoy it.

  4. ICELAND? Dress warm and have a safe trip.

  5. Thanks, I hope to have a good time in Iceland. I did pack my long johns and heavy socks.
