Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lush Green Valleys


  1. I feel like singing the "Hills are alive with the sound of music"!

    Absolutely beautiful. Where is this at?

  2. I just so happen to have a little milk maid outfit you can borrow to make it complete before you sing. lol

  3. AI, you did NOT photoshop this, right? I just... cannot.. believe how green it is. Heartachingly beautiful

  4. not photoshopped. Ireland is famous for its green.

  5. Why do you umm..have a milk maid outfit? LOL!

  6. I'm laying in bed reading this and Gareth is still sleeping. I tried to be quiet and not wake him, but I was thinking of something to write to you and I guess my laughter shook the bed. He slid over to me, put his arm around me and laid his head on the pillow. I thought he was going back to sleep when all of a sudden he stuck his head up and said "You have a milk maids outfit?" LMAO! I love this man!

  7. You guys are so cute! So what the heck were you thinking of that made you giggle so hard and still the burning question why the heck do you have a milk maid

  8. My thoughts are better left unsaid. lol And just to clarify for anyone that reads this, I don't really have a milk maids outfit. Although I do have the legs to wear one. lol
