Saturday, November 1, 2008

John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd Kissing - Torchwood

He had a sheep tied to his wrist saying he "missed home."

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  1. Hot! All I can say is Hot!!!!!

  2. wow, this is fantastic. Love these guys.

  3. Best show ever!

  4. What on earth is going on here?! And why wasn't I invited?!

    Man, even Reese gets in on the action.

  5. These boys are hot.

  6. SWEET BABY JESUS! I don't think that I will be able to sleep all night long. WOW!

    Ok, I can go to heaven happy. THANKS SO MUCH!!

  7. This post is gonna get sticky isn't it? lol

  8. Love these pics. Where were they taken at? and is there a video to go with these photos? if so, where can i find it?

  9. :O I don't think I have seen this much hotness in...well...EVER! HOT

  10. I just found this post, but I would like to mention, since it WAS posted on my birthday, it is still the best present I got this year. :)

  11. I think Gareth David-Llyod is the hottest guy on the planet and I would love to such face with him. I SO envy John Barrowman and Gareth's girlfriend. I thought his character was frigid but he's an ember that causes a fire under me

  12. Gareth and John are so unbelievably hot. I am in love with their characters story line relationship and to see them making out of set is amazing!

  13. Poor Robin Gill LOL

    I found this today, while still in shock about Iantos death. Anyone who likes Janto should go to

    to take part in the Great Coffee Protest ^_^

  14. Is it really true they're going to kill Ianto! No way! I have to lie down and have a quiet weep. He is The most beautiful guy ever. On top of that of course I love his character. He so strong and masculine yet vulnerable.

  15. I can not stress just how happy these photos make me! The fangirl in me is cheering loudly (and nearly fainting from the hotness!). Question, though: whilst John and Gareth are (most likely) actually kissing, is Kai Owen really kissing Gareth? I can't tell from that pic whether it's fake or genuine.

  16. I love John, Love tourchwood......what was going on when the underwear got shown???? curious;) glad I found your blog

  17. hehe well 2 years after the party...BUT i am in love with all of you guys comments!!!:* and need to get out of my system: I NEEEEED A VID TO THIS!!!!O.O/:D god how on earth can there be sth more sexy than this?damn!at first i only had eyes for john but gareth....beyond words!ok i think i know how to `spend my night`now :P

  18. i too really want to know where the underwear came from... has been thinking about it for several months now, and i still have no clue! *puzzled face*

  19. Gareth's hot. John's hot. They both together.... I'm close to death. Fuckin hell.

    From which show are these pics? Are there any videos?

  20. Someone please tell me there's a video to this, I found like 3 links but one said it had been removed and another said I wasn't allowed and the other just didn't work, I neeeed to see a video of this lol! These two are a beautiful couple of men :P! x

  21. does this have a video to go with it?
