Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cooking Turkey

Here is a picture of my turkey and some filling cooking. Still have a couple hours to go before we can eat. My cat is parked right beside the oven anxiously awaiting the meal.


  1. mmm, looking good. We just got done eating here in Baltimore, MD. I'm stuffed. Watching the Lions and Titans on tv. Enjoy your meal.

  2. I'm cooking mine now. It's so hot with the oven on and the temp outside. I want a cold shower.

  3. That looks very good. I went out to eat.

  4. I just got home. Spent the day with family. Its good to be home. I'm stuffed and tired. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. It looks yummy! I'm still impressed that you did this all by yourself.

  6. The turkey was actually very good. It was very moist, I didn't dry it out. lol The cutest thing is my cat was waiting all day for the turkey to get done. When we sat down to eat, I was bringing the food out to the table, he jumped up and sat at my empty seat at the table along with everyone else and it was the cutest thing seeing him sitting there anxiously waiting to be served. I pulled another chair over for him near the table and sat him on that and we gave him the very first slice of turkey. So man and beast enjoyed our feast as Gareth said. lol

  7. Ing, he probably called the Butterball hotline 20 times. hehe

  8. I did not! I looked them up online. lol

  9. That is too cute about your cat! Did you get a pic of that?

    Jen I can't hate on him about the butterball hotline because I was googling up stuff while I was cooking too. :)

  10. But you were Googling naughty things!
